Rules for Clash of Minds (Debate)
A clash between the minds to argue, analyze, and defend technical concepts with logic and clarity.
Team Composition
- Open to all students irrespective of their branches and year.
- Each team consists of 2 members, one supporting the motion (Affirmative) and the other opposing (Negative).
- Participants must maintain respectful behaviour; any violation of the rules will result in disqualification from the competition.
Debate Structure
- A total of 10 minutes for each team will be provided
- Opening Statements – Each speaker presents their argument (3 minutes).
- Rebuttals – Teams challenge the opponent’s stance (3 minutes).
- Cross-Questioning – Opposing teams ask direct questions (3 minutes).
- Closing Remarks – Final summary and impact statement (1 minute).
Judging Criteria
- Content (40%) – Strength of arguments and evidence.
- Style (20%) – Clarity, confidence, and persuasion.
- Strategy (40%) – How well the team structures arguments and responds to opponents.
- Winner prize : Cash prize with certificate.
- Runnerup prize : Medal with certificate.
- Participation certificates will be awarded to all participants.
Registration fee
- ₹150/- per team (Group of 2)