Rules for desi dhun
A vibrant celebration of India's diverse cultural heritage through traditional folk dance performances.
Team Composition
- Team Size: Only one team(Group of 2-8).
- Time Limit: 15 minutes(including set up and clearance time).
- A maximum of 4 accompanists are allowed.
- The dance form can be either folk or tribal(Indian style) but not classical or western form.
Event Format
- Pre-recorded music in mp3 format to be submitted in a pendrive at the reporting time to the event incharge.
- Emphasis on authentic costumes and props relevant to the chosen folk dance form.
- The participating team will be entirely responsible for removal of their sets,props etc…immediately after the completion of their performance.
Judging Criteria
- Authenticity of the dance form[30 marks].
- Technique and execution[30 marks].
- Costumes and props[20 marks].
- Rhythm and coordination[10 marks].
- Overall presentation and stage presence[10 marks].
- Winner prize : Cash prize with certificate.
- Runnerup prize : Cash prize with certificate.
- Participation certificates will be awarded to all participants.